In fact, since the trail led northward, she would be walking straight into the very teeth of winter.
It took minutes of struggling through the jungle before they found a "shuffler" trail that led northward toward the colony.
Naismith changed the phase of his camera and followed the victim down the path that led northward from the crater.
We found his trail leading still farther to the northward, and dismounted and looked down at it in silence.
It was a route that led northward along the crest of the Palisades.
There's an ancient pass above Uprod leading into the land northward.
I led the way toward the right, taking the first cross-corridor that led northward.
The course led northward, into a district where the whine of sirens became suddenly audible.
He was choosing a road that led northward to some through highway.
But she would lead these newfreed Blacks northward, despite all harassment and danger.