With US tanks leading the infantry on the road, the two battalions crossed the line at 13:00.
This is what led him on the road to damnation.
In stage 19, Samoilau again led his group across the line, this time the third group on the road, for ninth place.
They also led Detroit by 9 points in the fourth quarter of Friday night's loss on the road.
Too much heat can damage your engine, which can lead to expensive repairs or, even worse, breakdowns on the road.
In this same stage, Mondory led the first large group on the road across the finish line, for fourth on the day.
We've got to be a little more disciplined when we're leading, 2-1, on the road.
They led her on the same well-traveled road she'd traversed so often, trying to picture what Andrew's and her child would be like.
High taxes on cars lead to old and unsafe cars on the road.
This is also likely to lead to the elimination of differences in behaviour on the road.