Serpiat will be leading his legions through into that world in three days.
He had not seen her as the Dark Warrior, leading her legions to death and destruction.
The most famous man of our day leading his legions to victory-that's the other.
"Let us celebrate again the conquest of Britannia and honor the man who led our legions to victory."
A daughter who cannot lead your legions for you.
"When the false lord leads his legions away into oblivion, we will be here."
On the other, it could lead Sony's notoriously insular legions of engineers to think that further change is unnecessary.
Finally, in 232, Severus led his legions in a three-pronged assault on the Persians.
Sulla led his two legions to Armenia, becoming the first Roman to cross the Euphrates on a military mission.
It was the first time since God had chosen her to lead his legions against the pagan that she had looked at any man through a woman's eyes.