It's a chance to learn the skills of the game with qualified Rugby Union coaches to lead sessions and ensure everyone's safety and enjoyment.
In addition to his extensive work as a sideman, Wilson also led his own groups and recording sessions from the late 1920s to the 1980s.
Andrew Park, a social worker who led sessions during the symposium, told me why: "They lack refusal skills because they've never had anything to refuse before."
Wilson led recording sessions, but despised touring, and only played locally until his death in Houston in 1975.
During the 1980s he led several sessions of his own, including duets with pianist Harold Danko.
She even leads yarn-swapping sessions with fellow knitters before her concert appearances.
Laying the groundwork for these explorations were studies with saxophonist David Liebman which led to informal jam sessions and eventually a working professional relationship.
After 2012, following feedback from participants (some of whom even lead sessions on the subject), TransparencyCamp became an open sourced model for transparency-related events.
He conducts online group chats, corresponds by e-mail and leads periodic in-person sessions on fund-raising, marketing and other fine points.
Guest speakers then led sessions of workshops and discussion groups.