He led the study for Unaids, a joint United Nations agency.
Afterwards, with a Norwegian colleague, he will lead the first European preliminary study of the medicine.
Researchers in the Netherlands led the study.
He was the head of physics for the foundation and also led the secret study.
He was appointed to lead the final study, and his project, presented on 28 February 1878, was approved in May.
The policy panel, which helped get RU-486 approved, will lead the study on the hot issue of hormone replacement therapy for menopausal women.
Bowman was interested in this project but wished to have a part in leading the study.
In 1880 and 1881 he led the first geological study of the volcanics of Hawaii island.
In 1978, I led the first in-depth Congressional study into the growing threat of terrorism and how to combat it.
He had prepared himself thoroughly to lead the firsthand study of Mars's two moons.