His developing reputation led the Royal Geographical Society and the British Association to appoint him leader of an 1884 scientific expedition to Mount Kilimanjaro.
His success as a pupil led Mercadante to appoint Tosti 'maestrino'(pupil-teacher) at a salary of sixty lira a month.
This visit revealed the abbey was severely in debt, leading the Bishop to appoint two administrators to oversee the abbey's finances.
His flair for licensing led Charles Forte to appoint him the senior solicitor acting for Forte hotels.
Crandall is an extraordinarily quick study - a quality that led Casey to appoint him head of the marketing department, despite his lack of experience in that area.
The model was well-received and it appears to have only been Hawksmoor's death in 1736 that led the Trustees to appoint Gibbs as architect to the project.
His military exploits led Abbas to appoint him to the staff of Qarchiha-Khan who led a 35,000-strong army to crush the rebellion in Georgia.
This led Kentucky governor Steve Beshear to appoint a task force in summer 2012 to attempt to streamline the state's alcohol laws.
This led Antony to appoint the pair tetrarchs.