The new agreement led to a pay increase of 4.3 per cent per annum over 3.5 years with changes to sick leave and rostering arrangements.
This also led to unusual legal arrangements such as the "flying freehold", where the shared floor/ceiling is wholly owned by the underdwelling.
They inevitably lead to awkward arrangements of back-to-back rooms that seem redundant, while long halls trail off without logic.
He did not explain the term, but one American official said the idea was to start a process that could lead to broader consultative arrangements.
The music's wide popularity has led to numerous arrangements and transcriptions, such as for the classical guitar.
But they attempted to formulate universal laws, which in turn led to deterministic social and political arrangements.
And all this led to extremely satisfactory arrangements.
This activity was billed as "Stump the Band", and led to impromptu arrangements being worked out onstage.
Firstly, this leads to more transparent legal arrangements for consumer protection in European legislation.
As we know, this led to temporary transitional arrangements for those countries.