Father Tim led her through the main house to what he called the park, which was rather like a quadrangle on a college campus.
On the social level, it will lead to what we have elsewhere called taqdis (heaping-up).
That could lead to what Ms. Scanlon called a "real dependency problem."
This led to what Coon called "wink-wink deals where players are traded with the full expectation of returning later."
Shamans claimed that perceiving energy directly led them to what they called energetic facts.
But now he wanted to take things slow, leading to what he called "great and glorious crazy fights."
His escorts led him to what the Organians called the citadel.
Some Ryanair executives said the winter months would probably lead to what one called a "blood bath" among budget airlines.
This, Nietzsche argued, led to what he called the decadent condition of modern man.