Others say their own economic situation seems much more precarious, leading them to cancel plans for vacations.
There was also concern that an attack would lead the Russian Prime Minister to cancel his visit to Washington next week.
Carmichael's complaints to the publisher led them to cancel publication.
This decision, along with declining attendance, led to the decision to cancel the event.
His frailness led him to cancel a visit to the United States that had been scheduled last month.
However, public outcry led Glanely to cancel the sale.
The British guns ran out of ammunition, which led Pakenham to cancel the attack.
And Intel made a series of missteps last year that led it to cancel big projects, reorganize the company and change its development strategy.
However, low ratings led NBC to cancel the series before its first season was completed.
Following the 1909 contest, a 5-3 KU victory, a dispute between the schools led them to cancel the game scheduled for the 1910 season.