That would eventually lead him to his first book of poem "Looking For Myself" which was published in 1996.
He said he had received many magazine assignments, including the one that led to his book, through playing poker with editors.
This work led to his book Theory of Servomechanisms, which for many years was the standard text in the subject.
These travels led to her first book, The Ice Museum, which was published in 2005.
That experience led to his last book.
That question set Professor Proctor off on the work that led to his book.
This led to his first book devoted to architecture of the Hewlett-Packard 3000 computer.
It seems to have led to his book and to its valuable but limited perspective.
This evolved into a series of seminars; those interviews, along with her previous research, led to her book.
This was followed by a round of traveling in Mexico, which led to her first book, published more than 30 years ago.