We surfaced on the main road, spun down it and turned off into the side road that led to our destination.
Answer in the affirmative, and you will be led through the maze to your chosen destination.
If we find the right one, the secret symbols may still lead us to our destination.
How can you get this godlike little gadget to lead you to your destination?
More often than not, he'd stop what he was doing and lead me to my destination, for which a five-dirham tip seemed only just.
The alley should lead to its destination by the route that is the most convenient and pleasant.
And there was a note on the teddy bear, leading me to my next destination, a nail shop.
They had been following Shag's speed truck, counting upon it to lead them to their destination.
It led him with only a few false turns to his destination.
She was very weary and not only out of pace but jarring herself with every step down the broader avenue that led to her destination.