These were not seen as a success, as they led to defensive play rather than encouraging the teams to try to score goals.
But players say it leads to sloppy play because offenses have to hurry to beat the clock.
White's compensation in the form of a strong center leads to immensely complicated play.
Faster hardware with more memory leads to stronger play.
Head coaches are usually more fixed on keeping the jobs they have, a situation that can lead to conservative play calling.
"Added distance leads to longer golf courses, escalating costs, and slower play."
Other lines against the Voronezh include 9...f5 leading to sharp play.
Both lead to extremely sharp play where slightest inaccuracy is fatal for either side.
This variation usually leads to more thoughtful play; remembering which cards have already been played is also very important.
Bc4, which can lead to very sharp play after 4...Bg4 5.