Blur won the 'race' for the top of the charts, and the resulting fallout from the publicity led to the paper enjoying increased sales during the 1990s as Britpop became the dominant musical genre.
This left the paper directionless again, and attempts to embrace the rise of DJ culture in the late 1990s only led to the paper being criticised for not supporting rock or indie music.
This led, after a while, to the influential joint paper in which they proved a Torelli theorem for K3 surfaces.
The Mail on Sundays first back-page splash was a report from Holland on the rollerskating world championships, which led to the paper being ridiculed in the industry.
This led to the paper being published off-site in Muswellbrook, with its commercial printing division sold to a private company in 1986.
"It leads to the paper works, but it takes a little while."
The prominence of the Boston Harbor case has led to the paper being featured in human resources curriculums and as a training tool by business consulting firms.
Pike said that the "for Neville" email, that led to the paper settling with Gordon Taylor, showed that there was a "wider involvement in phone hacking" at the paper.
Often this led to the paper being regarded with a considerable degree of enmity, especially during the strikes in the coal industry of the 20th century.
I would like to congratulate the people who have taken part in the work leading to the paper today.