Roudy moved here as 'one of the old hippies' in the 1970s and has been leading trips for 30 years.
Aboard it, he led trips last year to Antarctica and the Amazon.
Guides from several organizations lead trips for members and nonmembers, or you might simply want to ski with a friend who is experienced.
He also led worldwide trips for business leaders and trade delegations to explore trade opportunities.
Alumni often teach Intersession courses and lead overseas trips along with faculty members.
Local experts will lead botanical trips into the mountains and subtropical valleys.
They also lead trips for the future leaders of tomorrow with leadership training and spiritual renewal.
In his later years he helped lead several trips with college students that retraced the route of the exodus.
Warburton led several trips into the desert between 1856 and 1874.
Aboard it, in 2001, he led trips to Antarctica and the Amazon.