The key is drinking safely and in moderation - remember that even one drink could lead to impairment while driving.
Finally Alan departed in a rage that had surely affected his judgment and led to a fatal mistake while driving.
You trust him not to lead you astray either en route to the trance or while in it.
His tackles for a loss total led the team while ranking fourth in the conference.
Pennington led a turnaround last season while free of any expectations.
A more mundane interpretation is that the invention of the rifle inevitably led to an increase in accidents while hunting.
For Miss Brown, leading while playing is the best of both worlds.
The tunnel wound its way into the mountainside, twisting and turning, with some branches leading downward, while others dead- ended.
Bryant, on the other hand, has kept up his end, leading the Lakers to a 18-9 record while scoring 27.8 points a game.