Loneliness hung around her like the leaden clouds that clung to the coastal mountains.
The sky was so dense with leaden clouds that it seemed as if a lid had been clamped down on the city.
About a half-hour before the game, the leaden clouds had disappeared and playing left field became an adventure for Matsui.
It was a typical July day: muggy, with dark, leaden clouds and the threat of storm.
The morning's clear skies had given way to tumbled, leaden cloud and fits of rain.
It was daylight, but leaden clouds filled the sky.
Though this was the night of the full moon, the leaden clouds would totally obscure it.
Hardly winded, he stood with his dogs around him, face to the low, leaden clouds above.
It was very close now, ten miles, no more, and above them the sun had gone, cut out by the spiralling vortex of leaden cloud.
The air was cool, the light gray, and leaden clouds promised snow.