Squeed's presence makes it vampires and serial killers versus hoodlums, broads and aliens, setting the scene for nasty violence, improbable cross-species couplings, interplanetary bromance and hard-boiled, sometimes leaden dialogue ("Great .
And it doesn't help that the book is rife with leaden dialogue and groaners like this exchange between Vicary and his twittish spymaster boss: "Is that how you think of this, Sir Basil, a game?"
No explanation, however, can make the playwright's leaden dialogue and cardboard characters satisfactory.
But the entire "Star Wars" series has become ever more ponderous, burdened by its moral weight and its leaden dialogue.
Much of the problem lies with Larry Cohen's leaden dialogue.
Mr. Perlman's adaptation suffers from chronological confusion in the early scenes and some fairly leaden dialogue.
But the book staggers under the weight of leaden dialogue and the ever-accumulating minutiae of stock purchases and circulation wars.
Then the leaden dialogue commenced, and my heart sank: "42d Street" was no match for "Hello, Dolly!"
What cannot be enlivened with irony is the pat, leaden dialogue of the show's romantic leads, Chick Miller (Doug Tompos) and Teddy Stern (Tia Riebling).
No explanation, however, can make the leaden dialogue or cardboard characters satisfactory (2:15).