I had put out all the lamps but one, and this was burning low, only half competing with the leaden light of dawn.
A gloom was in the room, both from the leaden light and on the faces of men.
The gray, leaden light at the top of the stairwell made him blink and set his eyes to watering.
Something moved in the flat, leaden light.
The first breath of day was a leaden gray light.
Overhead, the sky glowed with a leaden, heavy light.
He slept uneasily, and in the morning the clouds were heavier, shining with that strange, leaden light, though the sun itself was obscured.
In the leaden light of predawn, it was like a scene straight out of hell.
An eerie, leaden blue light was illuminating their faces, until they looked like a crowd of drowned men.
And there the people were, a great silent mass, staring across the river in the fading, leaden light.