In general, environmental leaders have advocated limited efforts, aimed at small trees and brush near homes and populated areas.
"For years, Democratic leaders have advocated the same old conditions with no accountability," he said.
Community Chapel became infamous for a practice its leaders advocated known as "spiritual connections."
Now, several Republican leaders are advocating replacing the graduated income tax with it.
But more recently mainstream politicians and retired military leaders have advocated disarmament.
But now many mainstream politicians, academic analysts, and retired military leaders also advocate nuclear disarmament.
Officially, Palestinian leaders have long advocated population growth as a way to outnumber the Israelis on the land the two groups share.
To go beyond that pace would require the kind of financing that few political leaders have advocated.
But many Republican leaders advocate Federal support for basic scientific research.
The leader of Joe's men's group and a victims advocate for the archdiocese set up the meeting.