The more vital business is likely to come in side discussions among some of the 16 leaders assembled in Manila.
Charlton and George Byron, 7th Baron Byron who commanded the Blonde, addressed the Hawaiian leaders assembled for the funeral, encouraging them to adopt a more formal set of written laws.
Following are excerpts from comments yesterday at the opening of NATO's anniversary ceremonies by the leaders assembled in Washington as they signed a special proclamation.
Before they leave later this week, the African leaders assembled here are expected to endorse a call to revive a dormant peace agreement signed last July in Lusaka, Zambia.
McBride, a factory representative for manufacturers of fishing gear, has his leaders assembled with a small double loop at one end.
They agreed to meet again, with a group of cultural leaders assembled by Baldwin.
The leaders here assembled can rewrite human history in the new millennium.
She would again appear on that label in 1961, participating in its "Chicago: The Living Legends" project as accompanist for Alberta Hunter and leader of her own hastily assembled big band.
The 34 leaders assembled at the summit meeting will begin a seven-year negotiation aimed at establishing a free trade zone encompassing the entire hemisphere by 2005.
Among the throngs of Congressional leaders and governors assembled in Philadelphia, the only statewide Republican officeholder from California was Secretary of State Bill Jones.