Thus far, allied political leaders have balked at committing even a single soldier to combat in the Balkans.
But while talking ethics, legislative leaders are balking at a $5 million appropriation for an extraordinary investigation of possible corruption in the city and state.
The leaders of the hotel union balked at first, but Donald Trump says he brought them around.
Macedonian leaders may still balk at instituting its reforms.
Republican leaders balked, however, and last week, the White House lowered its request to $4.9 billion.
But the Pentagon's leaders balked, fearing that the risks outweighed the rewards.
"Just a minute," old fearless leader balked, part of his frown back.
Some appalled leaders balk, but enough feel that the union "owes one" to Bill.
If the leaders balk, they will squander a historic opportunity.
But some Republican leaders in the Legislature are balking at even the less costly short-term recommendations from the task force.