"Mr. Menendez does not represent these values, and they will not blindly follow a leader based solely on ethnicity."
Today he is leader of the Free Orthodox Church, based here in Suzdal.
One explanation is that in East Asia leaders usually based their political appeal on economics - "Have I made you better off today than four years ago?"
The shaman is in the Player's Handbook 2 as a leader based on the primal power source.
Brhanuddin Rabbani, a rebel leader based in Pakistan, described the military action as the heaviest bombardment of the nine-year-old guerrilla war.
From 1742 Methodist societies were organized into 'classes' of 8-10 persons, each with a leader, based on Wesley's conviction that spiritual oversight needed to be intimate and personal.
The moderates, who oppose the severing of relations with NATO, say that their leaders, based in Pale, have decided to create a crisis.
In the Presidential election of 1992, we will cast votes for a national leader based in part on his or her position on abortion.
In some contributions there has been a sense that this is just a dispute between leaders based on personality or disagreements between countries.
"They are true professionals," he said in an appearance with American military leaders based here and in Washington.