About the same percentage thought that political leaders "behave unethically."
When our aspiring leaders behave in a ridiculous fashion, let them be ridiculed.
But this is how too many leaders behave in 2006.
We can all have a view on what ought to happen next, but few can predict how democratic leaders really behave when things fall apart.
That's not the way a leader behaves in a dangerous world.
Usually organizations and groups have designated leaders but even then it doesn't necessarily follow that the official leader will behave as such.
But the group's leaders have been behaving like politicians since they came home from Mexico almost a year ago, when the cease-fire began.
In other ways, the Iraqi leader has behaved like a man who intends doing everything possible to avoid a conflict.
It's hard sometimes to know why certain leaders behave in certain ways.
For one thing, Russia's leaders have not behaved like democrats.