Throughout the cold war, German leaders routinely campaigned for the right of ethnic Germans to return home.
Its new leader Robert Hue campaigned against "king money" and wanted to represent a renewed communism.
Many tribal leaders are campaigning for the amendment, citing the right of a sovereign nation to determine its citizenship.
So while church leaders say they do not oppose a new law, cremation advocates say those leaders have campaigned behind the scenes against one.
Its leader, Marc Sangnier, campaigned for spiritual values, democracy and social reforms.
Moreover, leaders of California's higher education system campaigned for the measure, even though none of the revenue would directly benefit their systems.
But leaders of the settlements campaigned forcefully against the bridge, and they say they have not given up yet.
Although Communist leaders have campaigned for decades against superstitious and traditional beliefs, common faith in the politics of earthquakes only grew after 1976.
A3 Serbia's nationalist leader campaigned for his survival.