"The corporate leaders conducted studies and came up with innovation after innovation," she said.
In January 2001, key leaders and staff conducted the first visit in preparation for deployment.
The next year, the Diocese began holding multiple camp sessions with Church school teachers and leaders conducting their own programs for 130 children.
The leaders of the Alliance are conducting a secret meeting.
Only now, the leaders would conduct their official greetings from a specially constructed balcony.
She has also helped find leaders to conduct the Tuesday night post-performance discussions.
They had large public areas such as plazas and platform mounds, where leaders lived or conducted rituals.
The leader should always conduct the meeting impartially and avoid stating his preferences and objections.
The leader of the Reds conducted him to the end of the room.
In this dispute, it seemed that the local leaders of Silang conducted themselves with great propriety and dignity.