By the mid-1950's, their leaders persuaded the city of the necessity of suspending the rules on religious days.
This respected former leader persuaded the Akoué not to wage a war which could only have turned into a disaster.
The Christian leaders persuaded Helen's father to return his daughter to the palace.
Republican Congressional leaders later persuaded him to acquiesce to political pressure and began approving some federal funds.
Last week, American officials agreed not to restart a military offensive if local leaders could persuade insurgents to hand over their heavy weapons.
In effect he and other Republican leaders persuaded Congress that it could not resist the temptation to spend and therefore had to pass the buck.
Games of chance were illegal, but leaders in Jackson persuaded state government and law enforcement to look the other way.
But the leaders persuaded him to restore all of that money.
(Click here to find out how religious leaders persuaded the filmmakers to change the story's ending.)
She was about to turn 18, and the commune's leader had persuaded her to exercise her legal right to $50,000 in a custodial account.