State Department officials expressed confidence that the Serbian leader would resolve the impasse.
The leaders resolved to approach the Matabele in a startlin way.
On trade, the two leaders did not resolve the thorny issue of protections for small farmers here that are to expire next year.
"We elect political leaders to develop public policy and to resolve issues that cannot be resolved in other ways," he said.
Mr. Pataki made his comments one day after he and legislative leaders resolved the most difficult issues that had delayed a final agreement.
In the opening episode he decides to hold an abortion summit, certain that leaders on both sides will resolve their differences over a fondue dinner.
While Republican leaders resolved to stand against Obama, his early efforts to woo the opposition also struck many as halfhearted.
He and legislative leaders could not resolve all their differences, and he vetoed the bill.
Having decided on transfer, he said, Israel's leaders should have resolved to "do it properly."
Shanghai's leaders, in fact, have resolved to make it the world's leading city by 2020.