In response to Democratic pressure, Republican leaders scheduled an Oct. 12 vote after delaying the treaty for two years.
Congressional Republican leaders have scheduled a meeting with the President Tuesday morning where new responses to the Democratic measure may be considered.
After the summit meeting, the two leaders have scheduled a news conference at which they are expected to again denounce the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait.
The ship was eventually turned back, but the incident prompted the two leaders to schedule a special meeting today to stem the diplomatic damage.
The outcome is so uncertain that the two leaders have not scheduled a joint news conference for Monday, the last day of the summit meeting.
Republican leaders had scheduled the vote for today or Friday.
Republican leaders have not scheduled votes on a measure to outlaw transporting minors across state lines for abortions, and the proposal faces long odds in the Senate.
In past years, the Republican leaders have scheduled votes on this issue around Flag Day, or at least before the Fourth of July recess.
The Governor and leaders of the Michigan arts community have scheduled a summit for early August to try to reach some kind of agreement.
The two leaders have scheduled talks beginning next week on elections, which could be difficult to design.