Nonetheless, the Soviet leader stated his opposition to supporting revolutionary movements, but without being very specific.
"Now I know why you wanted a picked crew," stated the leader from the lumber camp.
Palestinian leaders stated the Arab world was "continuing to ignore" repeated requests for help.
Because," stated the leader, "I am going to wait for bigger opportunity.
Republican leaders stated they would ask for Olson's resignation if he was convicted.
The leader also stated the media should not use the case to "strike at officials."
Some leaders of the major Palestinian armed groups also state they consider children of 16 to be adults.
However, when we need to take practical measures, our leaders state that they cannot find the required resources to return pensions to their former level.
Their leaders also stated that the Government generally was supportive of their presence, providing police security and traffic control as needed.
Despite what these public leaders have stated, they are really outraged about something other than the electorate's morals.