If he fails, and no other center-left leader succeeds, Italy could be plunged into early elections.
Above all else, a military leader succeeded best when his soldiers had the illusion that he knew the answers to all questions.
Yet if the Kurdish leaders do succeed in winning strong autonomy, that could inspire greater calls for independence.
There, the masked leader stated to his three companions: "Our third thrust has succeeded.
The leaders have succeeded in restoring virtually all those cuts, avoiding the need for tuition increases in either system this year.
"When environmental and political leaders succeeded in getting him to focus on the environment he produced," Mr. Maddy said.
At the party's nominating convention, these leaders succeeded in getting the party to adopt a platform that included a sound money plank.
If the leaders succeeded, the impact would be widespread.
And, if neither leader succeeded, elections would follow.
The graduate program prepares IT leaders to succeed in the global economy.