He promised leadership on the problem of global warming caused by pollution, but then called for more scientific and economic research before making specific policy commitments.
The Democratic leadership has called the bill a priority.
The underground leadership of the revolt has called a three-day general strike in the territories to mourn the dead, starting today.
But when the leadership calls for more ambitious protests, very often the appeals are ignored.
It's true that for domestic consumption the German leadership called these missiles "revenge weapons."
And somehow - the leadership called it sabotage - there was no electricity.
At the conference at which what the leadership called "defusion" took place, 40% of the delegates voted against.
"The leadership of men calls for patience, courage, and, above all, sympathy."
The military leadership called for action against the magazine, but Interior Ministry did not share the opinion.
But it was not clear yesterday whether the union's leadership had called for the job action.