A critical question is whether the Republican leadership will deny the public a fair debate over this issue by bottling up the alternative bill this week.
Rumour is that the war is going poorly for Borogravia, though the country's leadership (and "everyone") denies it.
American officials have charged that Iran is trying to develop nuclear warheads, which its leadership denies.
The denomination's top leadership strongly denies that the changes represent a watering down of the church's message.
The group has been criticized for alleged links to Islamic terrorism; its leadership strenuously denies any involvement with such activities.
"The Democratic leadership has denied a problem exists and has offered no plan, which will only lead to future tax increases and benefit cuts," the document declares.
He said the Palestinian leadership could not deny the refugees.
The leadership denied his request and he stormed out of the meeting.
Israeli leadership denies these claims.
The central leadership of the party had denied involvement in the attack.