Under the leadership of its fourth president, Shirley Strum Kenny, the administration sought out to showcase the value of the institution.
It was reformed in 1990 with about 20,000 members under the leadership of its president Franjo Topić.
And the United Copper Miners, under the leadership of its president, Burley Hoadman, refused to tolerate any advancement whatever in automation.
Under the inspired leadership of its president, Peter Stangl, it is Metro North that is leading this wonderful campaign.
Under the leadership of the Partnership's president, Daniel Biderman, the program has expanded to provide outreach workers for banks and other property owners throughout Manhattan.
All across town, young women celebrated the leadership of their longtime president, singing, "South Africa will follow you, Mugabe, Namibia will follow you."
Brown University, under the leadership of its president, Ruth Simmons, just instituted need-blind admissions, which will open doors for evangelicals and others of modest means.
I should also like to pay tribute to the huge effort made by the European Court of Auditors under the leadership of its president, Vítor Caldeira.
Under the leadership of our president, Dr. Uma G. Gupta, the faculty and staff have made significant progress.
As opposition increased, the local nationalist elite came to resent the leadership of their Venezuelan-born president.