The concept is based on a new philosophy or leadership theory steering away from historical notions of power, authority, and dominance.
In recent team research, functional leadership theory has been presented as especially appropriate for conceptualizing the role of the team leader.
Most of the courses cover skills needed for leading adventure tourism trips, like leadership theory and group dynamics.
Year one introduces content such as leadership theory, ethical frameworks, and community issues in leadership.
This approach dominated much of the leadership theory and research for the next few decades.
Evolutionary leadership theory suggests that in deciding who to follow people use evolved cognitive leader prototypes.
Over the years, researchers have developed many leadership theories.
Many leadership theories presuppose that an individual who does the right things will be an effective leader.
Thus, the link between the philosophy of servant leadership and modern leadership theory has strengthened in the 21st century.
The school runs classroom lectures on leadership theories, organizational behavior and public speaking, just to name a few.