Lampre is the leading sponsor of the professional Italian cycling team with the same name.
"We don't have a budget for buying books," said the top editor of one major house that is a leading sponsor of political books.
Petrom is supporting the second edition of the event as leading sponsor.
Volvo has been a leading sponsor of men's professional tennis ever since.
But he picked Volvo, which offered the city $1 million in cash and free cars, as a leading corporate sponsor of the 850th anniversary.
Washington, which still regards Iran as a leading sponsor of terrorism, strongly opposed the moves announced today.
Its leading sponsor is the American Express Company, which agreed to donate several million dollars.
The United States today views Iran as the world's leading sponsor of terrorism.
Mr. Ward, a health care lawyer, is a leading sponsor of the antismoking ordinance.
Steyer was the leading sponsor of Proposition 39 on the 2012 ballot in California.