The COIs help find technology solutions to industry challenges, in part by connecting companies to leading-edge research at Georgia's universities.
And it is still churning out leading-edge research.
The Foundation provides support for the Fellows to make extraordinary contributions in their fields through leading-edge research and creative work.
GHRI's mission is to improve health and health care for everyone through leading-edge research, innovation, and dissemination.
Supports leading-edge research aimed at developing immunologic methods of preventing, treating and curing cancer.
Around 1968, Kloss had quit KLH to develop a low-cost projection television, but had trouble financing the leading-edge research and development that was still required.
Engelbart continued leading-edge research in the ARC, while the NIC provided a service to all network users.
The result is leading-edge research that provides a broad perspective on current practices to enhance the effectiveness of technological innovation.
Staff members who conduct leading-edge research, are a critical hallmark of a world-class university.
Although the Agency's business is in leading-edge technological research, a scientific qualification is not essential.