The flowers are on simple inflorescences that emerge from leaf apexes.
The tendrils are inserted 5 cm below the leaf apex and reach a length of approximately 50 cm.
Occasionally, leaf apexes are acute or emarginate.
Its specific epithet comes from the Latin retusus (blunt), with reference to the leaf apex.
Its small size and the inflexed leaf apex characterize Itatiella ulei.
Mines begin on one side of the blade, but after much of one side is consumed, cross over near the leaf apex to the other side.
The leaf apex is acute to acuminate.
The leaf apex is short and rounded, while the base is heart to arrowhead shaped.
The leaves are 2.5-7 cm long and 1.5-2.7 cm broad, broadest near the leaf apex, serrate, and sticky with a spicy scent when crushed.
The leaf apex is long and tapers to a point, while the base is heart to arrowhead shaped.