Often they are quite remarkable plants, more often red than green, without much leaf area and not growing very big in any way.
In fact, there is approximately the same amount of sinus area as actual leaf area.
Specific leaf area can be used to estimate the reproductive strategy of a particular plant based upon light and moisture (humidity) levels, among other factors.
It's going to take a long, long time to build back the crowns and the leaf areas, but they will survive.
The following measure is concerned with the leaf area.
The growth of a young plant is limited by the small amount of leaf area available to intercept light energy.
The radiometer can detect the difference (very obvious to the eye) in the leaf area of the plants at these temperatures.
For plants there have been numerous papers on the relationship between growth indicators such as dry weight or leaf area and time.
The decline in leaf area presented due to wilting is very clear.
This pattern is related to the growth in total leaf area over the long term.