Many area schools take their students to the trail for nature walks and students in the past have used the various trees for leaf collections.
Perhaps we can approach leaf collection with joy if we recognize the opportunity it affords to help us connect personally with life cycles of renewal.
In November, it was leaf collection.
"During the spring and summer, when there is no leaf collection, the areas can be planted with flowers, tomatoes, watermelons or other crops."
Today, children visit the castle, now in pristine condition, to see its leaf collection and aquarium.
Daisy loves sunflower sundaes, riding her unicycle, has a large leaf collection and loves peppermint tea.
The city is doing two leaf collections per year when it needs to do seven or eight to capture the maximum amount of fallen leaves, he said.
The parties agreed to split the $120 penalty and the board promised to try to improve its leaf collection.
"If the residents do that, they wouldn't need to do anything about leaf collection," he said.
But last year the Public Works Department spent weeks trying to fit in leaf collection with the rest of its duties.