In addition, leaf motifs, new elements such as ivy and other repertoire were included.
Fashion designers and home accessories buyers are holding fast to the leaf motif.
The designs of leaf motifs, scrolls and rosettes create a three-dimensional effect.
The eastern edge of the bus transfer plaza is marked by a concrete retaining wall textured with a leaf motif.
Gone is the old cast iron gate; it now sports a more modern silver colour with a leaf motif as its main design.
The bedposts were carved with leaf motifs, and painted gold.
The font dates from the 13th century; it is square and is carved with leaf motifs.
The 29,000-square-foot first floor houses the radiation therapy unit, which has concrete walls covered in fabric with a pale green leaf motif.
Appropriately, the carpeting has a feathery leaf motif.
All are topped with its own capital which represent different animals and human heads with leaf motifs.