We stooped and entered the field, moving among the rows, heads low, backs bent, the leaves rattling as we passed.
As the leaves rattled to rest on the road, his patient, unwavering, almost eternal gaze came back to Mort Rainey's face once more.
The leaves rattled ever so gently beside the ancient tiles, but no wind was blowing.
Drying leaves rattle in the wind.
The leaves rattled overhead, then something thumped down onto the floor of the clearing.
The more careful he attempted to be, the louder the leaves rattled and crackled.
The leaves rattled in their wake.
A biting wind was blowing from the north, and the leaves in the trees rattled at him as he passed.
It seemed to stir in my hand, and the leaves rattled.
The saucer of wet leaves rattled against the )unter as I set it down.