Imagine an outsize rhubarb, or mullein whose leaf rosettes stretch almost 4ft across.
Usually it is not stalked from the leaf rosette.
Each leaf rosette dies after flowering, but the plant lives on because its highly branched growth form consists of multiple rosettes.
The inflorescence is under 4 centimeters tall, taking the form of a cluster of several flowers sitting atop the leaf rosette.
It forms a floating mat of tiny leaf rosettes attached by long, hairlike stems to its roots in the mud substrate.
A. polianthiflora grows as a small basal leaf rosette of about 1 foot in diameter.
A basal leaf rosette of up to six feet diameter.
Massive leaf rosettes in which leaf development occurs in a large "apical bud"
A. nizandensis is a basal leaf rosette of a bit over 2 foot in diameter.
The inflorescence often does not exceed the length of the leaf rosette.