Then came the slender stalk- the leaves gradually unfolded themselves- and amid them was a perfect and lovely flower.
Tent caterpillars hatch from their eggs in the early spring at the time the leaves of their host trees are just unfolding.
Then when the leaves do unfold in spring, they have a lovely soft texture that is appealing.
As the new leaves unfold, the infestation gives them a seersucker appearance as they pucker and curl, changing from green to yellow to reddish.
V-shaped cuts in the fronds and holes through the midrib are visible when the leaves grow out and unfold.
Mac watched her thoughtfully for a minute, wondering how many more leaves must unfold before the golden heart of this human flower would lie open to the sun.
It was sad he wouldn't be here when the Japanese acacias bloomed and the first, late leaves of the oak unfolded.
At the tip pale green leaves already were unfolding into the sunlight.
Mada was thinking only bean thoughts as her cupped hands filled with roots and the first true leaves unfolded.
With special familiarity he helped the little leaves unfold and escorted the supple new vines into shape.