The Rangers play games on their minor league complex adjoining the stadium during the summer.
Irabu will work out at the minor league complex here for the next four days.
Leach was called back from the minor league complex, where he had been sent the week before.
In spring training, Cashman said, he spent more time at the minor league complex than ever before.
"Well, there is the fantasy camp at our minor league complex," Brown said.
His next start, it is safe to say, will be a world away from the Yankees' minor league complex.
He has been based at the organization's minor league complex in Tampa, his hometown.
Jeter lives here, and has been working out for weeks at the Yankees' minor league complex.
After confining his work to soft tossing today, he will pitch in a game at the team's minor league complex.
Roy spent much of the year in Arizona in the club's minor league complex.