The league paid a base salary of $100 per game and had 36 players on each active roster.
The league is not actually paying the $100 million in startup costs.
The league owns the contracts of all the players and pays them from a central fund.
But the leagues and teams also pay for this risk-taking.
The league will pay the first $400,000 of the player's salary; the club is responsible for the balance.
Moreover, the league, rather than the franchise owners, would pay the players and coaches in order to control spending.
The league now must pay $30 million to 1,100 players who joined the walkout.
The league will pay rebates based on advertising lost from the replacement games.
A new professional league does not pay enough to keep the best Russian players home, which makes national team commitments more difficult to keep.
By the time the 2009 season began, the league was paying salaries significantly lower than these numbers.