North Carolina, which won the regular-season league race, also finished at 24-6.
Mark Messier placed seventh in the league scoring race with 37 goals and 111 points.
Argentina Goalkeepers continued to double as attackers in the league race over the weekend.
It marked the first time since 1999-2000 that in a year when Hefford played a full season, she did not win her league scoring race.
She won the league scoring race by 11 points, finishing ahead of runner-up Lindsay Vine.
St. John's (1-0), which plays Wagner on Saturday, will also be a factor in the league race.
Chicago was in fourth place in the league race, and had a fighting chance to beat Detroit out for the third position.
"That's the first time in my life I was ever so busy as to forget the October standing in the big league race."
As the league race begins to take shape, an ability to conceal or correct problem areas will determine which teams can rise from a crowded pack.
Makarov is tied for fourth place in the league scoring race.