The league recently reached an agreement with the players association that would put $6 million into youth-oriented programs.
Halberstam argues that because of this, the league has reached a point where the players often have more power than the coach.
Maybe that's because the major leagues have already reached the end of the season.
Instead, the Colombian league reached its golden era during the period.
He is hoping that his league can reach them.
The league in 1983 reached a high of 10 schools but by 2002 there were only 7 teams.
Eventually the two leagues reached an agreement to respect one another's contracts, and to play a world series.
Recently, however, the league has reached deep into its pockets to accommodate a few select players.
For the 2005 season, the league reached its lowest number of franchises at six.
But after nearly two more days of intense talks, the league and players reached a tentative agreement.