Don Mattingly sounds as if he is ready to leave his former minor league teammate.
Delgado, a former minor league teammate of Small's, had three hits off him in six career at-bats.
Walker has been clear and candid about his role as a replacement player with his major league teammates.
Righetti recalled how an old family friend, a former minor league teammate of his father's, told him he was going to be drafted.
They were minor league teammates as far back as 1965 and have worked together since 1983.
Recently, Boras reflected on having watched one of his minor league teammates being cut.
Six years later, he had won a five-year, $7.5 million contract for his former minor league teammate, Bill Caudill.
But he also recalled Randolph as being "a little sensitive" when they were minor league teammates.
While he drank, Blefary read the sports sections, checking, enviously, on the progress of his former big league teammates and friends.
The first baseman campaigned openly for his onetime minor league teammate to get this job in the Bronx.