The leak of the latter prompted the author Stephenie Meyer to suspend work on the novel.
A leak in a pipe of our ninth-floor apartment prompted us to play plumber.
The leak caused 5 deaths initially and prompted 4,260 people to seek medical attention at local hospitals.
The leak prompted Lindelof and Cuse to enter "radio silence", which was temporarily broken at Comic-Con International 2007.
The leak prompted reporters to question Mr. Bush about this supposed reassurance, and the President blurted that Mr. Quayle's position was "very certain."
The leak of Mr. Bush's debate materials in September prompted outcries and suspicions in both political campaigns in the last weeks of the closely contested election.
A leak to The Los Angeles Times prompted the headline, "White House Backs Down on Syndication Rules."
The leak prompted the C.I.A. to send a criminal referral to the Justice Department.
This week's leak, unprecedented in its size, has prompted a Republican legislator to try to bully the Obama Administration into declaring WikiLeaks a terrorist organization.
An early leak of the album over the Internet in early March, 2008, prompted the duo to push the release of the album from April 8.