The study continued under numerous supervisors until 1972, when a leak to the press resulted in its termination.
Minor leaks do not result in brake failures.
The leak has caused an uproar in Iceland and may result in criminal charges against the individuals involved.
But the Board of Education said the leak did not result from a failure of the furnace, but rather was caused by human error.
Unless repair is prompt, leaks or moisture damage to the roof framing can result.
He said the leak had resulted from natural deterioration of the gas line.
That we should have said: 'Oh, you had a water leak a year ago and that leak might result in mold.
The most serious incident was probably in 2007 when a leak at the cooling ponds almost resulted in fuel rods being exposed.
The leak of Mrs. Wilson's identity resulted from that offensive, but it may well have been negligence rather than vengeance.
It was believed that a leak in the boat's exhaust pipe resulted in his death while he had slept.